Amazing and Interesting Facts About Wikipedia You Should Know | Goodiestech Blog -->

18 April 2017

Amazing and Interesting Facts About Wikipedia You Should Know

Amazing and Interesting Facts About Wikipedia You Should Know Goodluck 5 of 5
Wikipedia is a free-access, free-content Internet encyclopedia, supported and hosted by the non-profit Wikipedia Foundation. Those who can...

Wikipedia is a free-access, free-content Internet encyclopedia, supported and hosted by the non-profit Wikipedia Foundation. Those who can access the site can edit most of its articles, with the expectation that they follow the website’s policies. Wikipedia is ranked among the ten most popular websites. And makes up the Internet’s largest and most popular general reference work.

Wikipedia made encyclopedia bankrupt even after not making any money, because it’s a non – profit organization and it leads to only making the world more informative and it’s sharing knowledge to people now for more than a decade now. A team of 35 extra energetic volunteers runs Wikipedia.

Unknown facts about Wikipedia –

1. The name of founders of Wikipedia are Jimmy whales and Larry Sanger.


2. There are a massive 17 million articles on Wikipedia, with the number increasing everyday.

3. 50% of Wikipedia’s traffic actually comes from google.

4. In Wikipedia sex is the most popular topic in all languages except french and Spanish.

5. Wikipedia contains no ads. Thereby, skipping a revenue of millions every day.

6. The English Language Wikipedia has more than 3+ Million Articles.

7. Wikipedia site has more than 6884 million page view each year.

8. Wikipedia Headquarters are situated in San Francisco.

9. Whole Wikipedia library is operated by just 35 employees.
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10. Wikipedia articles are offered in 285 languages, so person coming from any country can read its articles in his own native language.

11. Only 31% of Wikipedia readers are women.

12. Wikipedia also has a theme song named ” Hotel Wikipedia”, ” A parody of eagles”.

13. A study in 2008 stated that the articles on Wikipedia are only 80% accurate, pretty less ten accuracy of Encyclopedia, the dictionary of American history, American national biography online.

So, hence was the post to unknown facts about Wikipedia. I hope you liked the post. Feel free to comment your reviews in the comment box. Don’t forget to share this post.


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